This Week's SlideShare
- Low dose vs high-dose
- OptiFer® Easy Video
- OptiFer® F Video - I'm thankful
- White paper "Iron Therapy without problems"
- Problems solved by OptiFer® products
- OptiFer® advantages internationally
- B vitamins and iron
- OptiFer® solves problems
Other SlideShares:
- What you need to know about heme iron
- Nutritional status and birth weight
More Info
Chronic diseasesChronic diseases
Blood DonationBlood Donation
Mother and BabyMother and Baby
Iron AbsoptionIron Absoption
Iron DeficiencyIron Deficiency
Fertile FemalesFertile Females
Health / PregnancyHealth / Pregnancy
Studies and TextsStudies and Texts
OptiFer® Heme iron productsOptiFer® Heme iron products
About the Latest Action

I have a number of patients that have taken heme iron preparations for years. They have kept a satisfactory iron balance without the unfortunately all-too-common side effects that are often associated with iron preparations.
Dietary-based treatment containing heme iron has few side effects and can be used efficiently to improve the iron status of women of reproductive age.